US Cellular: Helping rural customers get the most out of mobile

People who visit US Cellular’s eCommerce site after visiting their content marketing hub visit 4x as many pages and spend over 5x as many minutes shopping.

Project Objective
Consistently create content that drives readership and engagement among US Cellular’s priority audience segments.

Provide the edge our segment needs to be in-the-know and maximize their mobile usage, while overcoming category pain points.

The Work
Using segmentation research and stakeholder interviews, we honed in on the content marketing sweet spot – where what customers seek and US Cellular’s unique offering intersect. With a new brand position focused on fairness, and a mission to bring technology to typically overlooked areas, we helped US Cellular carve out space in the minds of their consumers.

Our new strategy focused on four content types:

  • Getting the most out of mobile
  • How US Cellular fights for fairness
  • Examples of how the company’s technology impacts people
  • Future forward looks at new innovations right around the corner.

Every quarter, we generated topic ideas. We also looked for opportunities to plan for unplanned content based on what we knew about industry launches, category trends, search data, and company initiatives. Each article included a brief that helped creatives focus on the unique hook, what the main consumer takeaway should be, and how we could organically tie it back to a US Cellular product or offering.

Some examples of actual content pieces included long-form articles about how people with disabilities can use tech to overcome challenges, video about how VR has more applications than just gaming, and infographics about how mobile tech has evolved over the years.



  • Editorial Calendar
  • Content Strategy

The Money Source: Marrying company culture and mortgage industry disruption

A re-imagined set of tools and resources for the modern mortgage shopper from a company with an industry disrupting model and best-in-class customer service.

Project Objective
Design an end-to-end experience for home buyers that brings The Money Source’s people focused approach together with innovative technology.

Create a holistic personalized experience that leverages technology to make things simple and people to make it delightful.

The Work
The Money Source is a unique lender in that it has services and products the help people find, finance, and protect their home. The current site had only the most basic information, and almost no tools to help consumers.

We started by digging deep into the mindset of the TMS customer – frustrated with a confusing, complicated, and daunting prospect of buying a home. We developed detailed personas and user journeys that covered the entire process, from the initial trigger all the way to the experience of living in it.

Using these artifacts, we brainstormed tools, content, technology solutions, and customer service touch points. Each would address frustrating pain points and needs with the customer’s mindset in mind. These were prioritized and evaluated using a matrix that aligned the potential impact, the effort required, and what the effect on TMS business objectives would be.

From there we developed a content strategy, mapped out a feature set that established the roadmap for the next two years, and developed a site map that would become the aspirational future state of the new experiential website. 


  • Communications Audit
  • Personas
  • Consumer Journey
  • Content Strategy
  • Site Map
  • Future Roadmap

Blue Cross Blue Shield Tennessee: Streamlining the online health insurance shopping process

A unified site experience focused on the health insurance shopper journey led to less shopper frustration and increased enrollment.

Project Objective
Audit and evaluate content across over five different websites and design a simplified shopping experience for members, healthcare professionals, and employers.

Utilize user research and stakeholder interviews to identify must-have content and reduce the number of pages by over 80%.

The Work
Our initial content audit uncovered an inconsistent shopping experience across the main BCBST website, Medicare / Medicaid websites, and a sprawling providers website. We methodically captured meta data like content topic and taxonomy, and evaluated each page for audience relevance, page organization, how well it delivered on user and business objectives, if the page was redundant, outdated, etc.

With this information, we identified patterns and developed a strategy that defined what content would be critical for a shopper on BCBST’s website. Our content pillars were health care 101, the BCBST difference, plan information, and high volume help topics. With that in mind, we identified key pages on the current site that met those needs most effectively.

Using our shopper journey and consumer insights, we also identified what gaps existed in the proposed content. Pages not marked for migration to the unified site were mined as source material to help us tell a complete story more efficiently. Any page without useful information was earmarked for removal.

We developed a proposed site inventory and site map that brought over 500 pages on five different sites together into a single site experience with under a 100 pages. Each page was mapped to a proposed design template. Content hierarchies were built for each template to inform wireframes, prototypes, and eventually final designs.



  • Content Audit
  • Content Strategy
  • Site Map
  • Content Inventory
  • Content Hierarchy